Internet Password Logbook: Security | Web Address | 8.5” x 11” Inches
This Internet Password Book can hold over 400 log in details for your online accounts. The big size means it’s easy to read and write in which also means no more squinting!
The discreet black cover will sit nicely on your desk and won’t be easy to lose. There is plenty of space to fit all you need to get past the ‘Incorrect Password’ pop-up that drives us crazy!
Grab a copy over on Amazon
- Genre – Security | Passwords | Journals | Logbooks
- Book Size – 8.5 inches x 11 inches
- Username, Password, Email, Website and Hint
- 400+ Entries
- Alphabetical
- Print – White Paper with Black Type
- Cover – Deep Black, Matte
- Total Pages – 120
A Safe and Discreet Way To Save Your Passwords
Are you organized when it comes to Internet Passwords? Many of us think we are, but when we come across a log-in that simply refuses to let you into your account, an urge to punch the screen is almost irresistible!
Keeping an Internet Password Logbook on our desk, or close by, means all we have to do is open a page and it’s done.
The safest, and surest, way to never forget a password, is to write it down. Some argue that keeping a physical record of your passwords is a crazy idea, but who do you trust more with your passwords? Yourself or the World Wide Web?
As long as you keep the logbook in a safe place where only you know where it is, what are the chances of an internet basement dweller getting a hold of your info?
None. So keep sane and in control of your passwords by investing in this smart Internet Password Logbook.