Walking Planner: Ramblers, Hikers and Walkers | Times, Distances & More | 6”x 9” Inches
Here’s an idea…how about logging your walks with a handy walking planner? See how far you’ve been, how much time you’ve taken as well as helping to recall that niggling injury that has been bugging you for an age. This walking planner will help answer all these questions.
Grab a copy over on Amazon
- Genre – Outdoor | Walking | Planners | Fitness
- Book Size – 6 inches x 9 inches
- Keep a Record of Walks
- Recall Sights, People & More
- Print – White Paper with Black Type
- Cover – Misty Mountain Matte
- Total Pages – 110
Independently produced with human input of content.
What better way is there to improve fitness levels than taking in a good walk? Walking fitness is huge at the moment with thousands of people realizing the health benefits of just walking.
It’s said 20 minutes a day will lift energy levels and propel you towards a life of health and well-being. It improves performance of heart, lungs and circulation and well as lowering blood pressure. It’s also a great way to lose weight!
Walking is free. Almost anyone can do it and is about the safest exercise you can do. Low impact with a good cardio workout. what’s not to like?
With this 110-page walking planner, you can jot down your times, distances, mood, location and even those niggling little injuries that crop up most unexpectedly. Using a walking planner will also be a good reminder of what happened on a certain day and what happened next. Oh, and it’s a great fitness tracker too.